Personal Bill of Rights

  1. I have the right to ask for what I want.
  2. I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can't meet.
  3. I have the right to change my mind.
  4. I have the right to make mistakes and not be perfect.
  5. I have the right to follow my own values and standards.
  6. I have the right to say NO when I don't feel ready, when it is unsafe, or it violates my values.
  7. I have the right to determine my own priorities.
  8. I have the right NOT to be responsible for others' behaviours, actions, feelings.
  9. I have the right to expect honesty from others.
  10. I have the right to be angry at someone I love.
  11. I have the right to be uniquely myself.
  12. I have the right to feel scared and say so.
  13. I have the right to say "I don't know."
  14. I have the right to meet my own needs for personal space and time.
  15. I have the right to be in a nonabusive environment.
  16. I have the right to have fun and be playful.
  17. I have the right to change and grow.
  18. I have the right to have my needs and wants respected by others.
  19. I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  20. I have the right to be happy.

It is very important to know what your rights are, because information is power. However, if you do not believe that you deserve these rights, you may not assert yourself in the manner necessary to make sure that these rights are respected. That is where I come in.

With short term counselling, I can help you to believe in yourself enough to be ready to incorporate the skills I will teach you. At that time, there will be no doubt in your mind and your heart that not only are these your rights, but you DESERVE to have these rights respected.

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